Ghost 14 won't run/open

I have a WinXP Pro SP3 laptop and I did a fresh install of Ghost 14.  After install and reboot, I attempt to open Ghost, and receive this error:


C:\Program Files\Norton Ghost\Concole\VProConsole_.exe

The specified path does not exist.

Check the path, and then try again.


The path and the file both exist.  I went to the folder using Windows Explorer, and tried to the run the VPro app, and I get the same error.  I uninstalled and reinstalled, still no difference.


I've installed Ghost 14 on about 5 other PCs with no issues, this is the first I've seen this. 


The only thing of substance in the Windows logs is this:


Controlled registration of this component failed. It has been registered directly. If you are not using partitions you can ignore this warning. If you are using partitions you may need to add support components that are required before controlled registration of this component can succeed. Check your documentation for details.C:\Program Files\Norton Ghost\Shared\Drivers\SymSnapProviderXP.dll

Process Name: dllhost.exe
Comsvcs.dll file version: ENU 2001.12.4414.702 shp


Anyone have any ideas, suggestions?  I just purchased this copy og Ghost - does Symantec offer phone support?

