Ghost 15.0 File Recovery Issue:

Following a recent Hard Disk crash (that apparently was caused by a faulty mother board) - I'm now in the sitution of having a new Laptop and trying to recover my files from the Ghost 15.0 backup.


I've surfed the forum for help with my particular issue, the closest I can find is "Ghost 15 import error: file Segment not match Catalog" but this doesn't seem to have a resolution.


The problem:

When I attempt to import the Backup destination from the File Recovery window, the process fails. I get two types of error messages:


-Info 6C8F1C25: Cannot import items.

---The backup file information in the file segment does not match information in the catalog. (this is the first error ande occurs only once)


Error E4BC0019: The file import failed.

-----The backup file information in the file segment does not match information in the catalog (multiple entries)


During the upload, I can see all the the files being supposedly uploaded, but at the end of the process i simply don't have any file shown.


I've tried to stop the Norton process and rename the catalog file as recommended in the other post - but this doesn't seem to help.


Any suggestions?

