My system- Win 7 x64. Ghost 15. External WD Goflex 3tb drive (which is new) for backuip. The backup used to work on older 2tb drive.
Backups with Ghost fail at some point. A lot of data seems to get written, but it fails with the messages below.
Any suggestions?? I have heard that some backup products have problems with large drives, but don't know if Norton is one.
fail messages below:
Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of MEDIA (2TB Seagate Prtn_1) (G:\). Error E7D1001F: Unable to write to file. Error EBAB03F1: The system cannot find the file specified. Error E7D1001F: Unable to write to file. Error EBAB03F1: The system cannot find the file specified. (UMI:V-281-3215-6071)
I was able to perform several backups on an external eSata 3TB drive, BUT on my last attempt, Ghost 15 said it could not write (complete) the task. To make matters worse, it also left the drive in what looks like an unformatted state! I suspect all the data is still on the disk and plan on seeing if the disk data can be saved by other means.
I was able to perform several backups on an external eSata 3TB drive, BUT on my last attempt, Ghost 15 said it could not write (complete) the task. To make matters worse, it also left the drive in what looks like an unformatted state! I suspect all the data is still on the disk and plan on seeing if the disk data can be saved by other means.
Sorry you are just finding out that the 3TB size drive is not supported by Ghost 15. If windows explorer can see the data and you can copy it to another location it may be possible to split that drive into two small partitions and return to Ghost backing things up as expected. It may be the next version of Ghost that supports both the larger partitions and USB3. Stay tuned for that information when it is announced. Til then
Any suggestions as to restoring the directory so that Windows 7 can see everything? Like I said, it worked fine up until the last attempt and then Ghost left it appearing to be unformatted, which it isn't.
Any suggestions as to restoring the directory so that Windows 7 can see everything? Like I said, it worked fine up until the last attempt and then Ghost left it appearing to be unformatted, which it isn't.
If you can't see it with windows explorer then you may need to look for some specialized tools. Whose drive is it and do they have any recovery, partitioning tools on their site?
I'm sure it's more common with external drives. Most of the "Raw" partitions I have seen are external drives and I always assumed it was because of not using the "safely remove hardware" feature.
If you have no other options, you can look at my post #6 here
If you choose to try that, it will be at your own risk because I have never recovered a partition on a GPT drive and I'm not even sure if that program supports those drives with partition recovery.
You want to make sure you can access the data before applying any changes.
Again, that would be at your own risk, but I have recovered RAW partitions on MBR drives with that program in the past.
I'm very computer savy, but I also know that if I screw up just over! I know someone who does this for a living, so I'm going to ask him to see what he can do. I don't like reinventing wheels or OJT if it can be avoided in this case. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts.