I can not figure out where Ghost 15 is getting these files. Over the past year I had made several one time system backups to an external drive and was satisfied with the backups until yesterday. Yesterday I did a one time system backup to another external drive and everything went fine until I went in and looked at several of the files and they were not the most current. One that I make changes to monthly was like it was in January 2012 and did not contain the changes I had just made this month. Two other files did not have the changes made after last August. I went to my "C" drive that was the backup source and verified that the files there were correct. I searched my "C" drive for these files and found old copies in the trash can. I deleted the trash can contents and searched the file names again to verify that the most current ones were all that showed up on the "C" drive. I deleted the backup from the external drive and ran another backup only to find the old level files were in the backup again. I deleted all backups from the two external drives, removed Ghost from my system telling the removal not to retain the previous settings and data, and then re-installed Ghost. I opened each of the three files I was having trouble with and saved each in the same directory as the original but with a different name. I did a whole fresh one time backup of the system disk and again the backup had old level files for the three files with the original names but had current level files for the renamed files. I have searched the "C" disk and the only copies of the files that do not backup correctly are correct on the "C" disk. I am totally baffled - where is Ghost finding these old level files and am very concerned that there are more back level files being backed up. This could be a disaster if I go to restore and find I have lost a lot of data.