I want to replace my existing HD with and SSD on my Elitebook Notebook running Windows 7 Ultimate. The existing HD has 4 partitions ; System (no letter), C, D (HP tools) and E:(Recovery). My plan is to create the back from within windows and then restore. Once I launch the backup setup I highlight all the visible partitions on my HD and click next then Ghost advise me to add the hidden partition to the back up form then I go with all the default options/settings.
Can someone please confirm the the below method by Brian_K is the recommended one? Any updates to it ? Also the HD should not be formatted before the restore, in other words, RAW only ?
Some of the options like "COPY MBR" and "Destination Partition Primary" are not avaialble or I cannot see then when setting up my backup. Same on the restore side.
http://community.norton.com/t5/Other-Norton-Products/Ghost-15-options-for-recovery/td-p/218202 by Brian_K
For Copy Drive if a SRP is present
For the SRP
Check source for file system errors
Check destination for file system errors
Set drive active (for booting OS)
DON'T SELECT Disable SmartSector copying
DON'T SELECT Ignore bad sectors during copy
Copy MBR
Destination partition type : Primary
Drive letter : None
For Win7
Check source for file system errors
Check destination for file system errors
Resize drive to fill unallocated space (ONLY if you want to)
DON'T SELECT Disable SmartSector copying
DON'T SELECT Ignore bad sectors during copy
Destination partition type : Primary
Drive letter : None
Restore to a new HD if a SRP is present
For the SRP
Verify recovery point before restore
Partition type : Primary
Check for file system errors after recovery
Set drive active (for booting OS)
Restore original disk signature
Restore master boot record
For Win7
Verify recovery point before restore
Resize drive after recover (unallocated space only) (ONLY if you want to)
Partition type : Primary
Check for file system errors after recovery
Help would be appreciated.