One of my computers is used just to run a little word game. Ghost backs it up three times per week, incrementally. Worked fine for years. Only had to restore once or twice due to Win 7 patches, and then the boot disk (I made several copies) went to the second onboard drive used just for this purpose. It is a 1 TB Seagate. I also had two externals, a Maxtor and a Seagate Freeagent attached. Then things started going funny. With both the Maxtor and the Seagate Freeagent.
I thought perhaps it was the USB hub. Checked the device manager and saw the yellow flags. Went through a lot of steps there, but then decided to disconnect them entirely.
Scenario: Windows 7 boots fine. It sees the C: drive (and of course the hidden factory image drive D) and the hidden boot drive X, I forget the letter designation for the onboard Seagate, but Windows sees it. Norton does not.
So I went into Windows and copied all of my restore points to yet another external drive, an Iomega eGO 1 TB. I ran the SRD boot and got the DIMapper.exe error, and went past it. Now the recovery environment sees everything but the onboard Seagate. It sees the Iomega eGO too, so I was able to restore from there. But that is not the issue, I checked the onboard Seagate doing both the chkdsk /r twice, and the computer manufacturer's testing software twice, and all said that the Onboard Seagate was healthy. But Norton help files tells me it means one drive or another is bad. I want to know where DIMapper.exe resides so that I can restore THAT part.
So I restored from back to the end of February, and after the restore, tried to test to see if that was perhaps prior to the DIMapper.exe problem. No, it is still there, I will have to go back further.
But tell me, WHERE EXACTLY DOES THE DIMAPPER.EXE file reside? It has to be hidden. As I do back up all but the onboard Seagate, I have to have a good copy of that file somewhere.