I bought Ghost 15 at Fry's with one goal in mind: To change my WinXP boot disk from Dynamic to Basic.
I also bought a new WD 500GB HD.
Normally, to "convert" back to a basic disk, I would have to do a full system level backup the C-drive using Windows Backup, create an ASR disk, swap the HD, boot off the ASR disk and restore the Windows bkf file.
Ordinarily, I'd use Acronis, but the version I own doesn't work on Dynamic disks.
My boot disk was converted to Dynamic and it has two partitions - a 112GB & a 168GB. There is no reason for it to be a Dynamic disk - I think I was drunk at the time and it seemed like a good idea.
Because it is a dynamic disk, I can not expand the partition. When I went from a 112GB disk to a 300GB disk, I had to create a 2nd partition to use the remaining unallocated space.
The 2nd partition is mounted as a folder on the boot disk - not a drive letter.
Ghost sees all - and backs up all. I end up with two images on my USB disk under the I:\Norton folder.
The 500GB HD is scrubbed clean - I use the Win98SE boot disk to "fdisk /mbr" to clean it off after each attempt to restore.
But, this is getting old.
Each time I try to restore the image or use the "Copy Hard Disk", it creates 2 partitions on the HD - a 112GB & a 168GB with 200+GB unallocated. I think it is also converting it to a dynamic disk - which I do not want.
There is no option to "resize" - it is grey'ed out. Even the "Copy HD" has the same problem - no resize option.
So, can Ghost help me here?
If so: How?