Ghost 15 Error 800706be

I receive the following error messages 15:58 minutes into the back-up
1. The connection to the recovery agent was lost.  The wizard
will need to close.
2. The remote procedure call failed.
3. Error -
4. MS Windows Error: Service Module stopped working and was

Any ideas why the process stops, I have a stand alone Seagate 2Tb Desk drive attached.

Thanks for the response. Unfortuately I have been running Norton Ghost for over a year and this error 800706be only ctopped up just recently. The drive backup works fine, it is the file backup that fails this way.Any other ideas

I receive the following error messages 15:58 minutes into the back-up
1. The connection to the recovery agent was lost.  The wizard
will need to close.
2. The remote procedure call failed.
3. Error -
4. MS Windows Error: Service Module stopped working and was

Any ideas why the process stops, I have a stand alone Seagate 2Tb Desk drive attached.