Ghost 15 Error EBAB03F1

I've been using Ghost 15 for quite some time and have never encountered this error before. Here's the full error message from the System Event Log:


Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of OS (C:\).

Error E7D1001F: Unable to write to file.

Error EBAB03F1: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. (UMI:V-281-3215-6071)


I am backing up to an external USB drive on my network (the drive is connected to another computer on the network). This has been working successfully for a long time and suddenly this error appears. I thought perhaps that I had too much stuff open on my computer, so I shut down everything and tried again. Still received the same error. Next, I tried rebooting so now I know I've got a clean environment. Still no joy ... same error.

The USB external drive that I'm backing up to has 1.2TB free, so the problem is not drive space there (my full backups have been right around 90GB). The computer that I'm trying to backup is running XP Pro, has 4GB of RAM, and the C drive has 163GB free. I have no idea what other kinds of system resources Ghost might need, but the ones I've mentioned seem sufficient to me.

Any ideas?




I've been using Ghost 15 for quite some time and have never encountered this error before. Here's the full error message from the System Event Log:


Error EC8F17B7: Cannot create recovery points for job: Drive Backup of OS (C:\).

Error E7D1001F: Unable to write to file.

Error EBAB03F1: Insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service. (UMI:V-281-3215-6071)


I am backing up to an external USB drive on my network (the drive is connected to another computer on the network). This has been working successfully for a long time and suddenly this error appears. I thought perhaps that I had too much stuff open on my computer, so I shut down everything and tried again. Still received the same error. Next, I tried rebooting so now I know I've got a clean environment. Still no joy ... same error.

The USB external drive that I'm backing up to has 1.2TB free, so the problem is not drive space there (my full backups have been right around 90GB). The computer that I'm trying to backup is running XP Pro, has 4GB of RAM, and the C drive has 163GB free. I have no idea what other kinds of system resources Ghost might need, but the ones I've mentioned seem sufficient to me.

Any ideas?




I tried running it again today ... seemed more promising, but it still errored out. This time slightly different in that it was unable to read from the file (while it was validating the backup, I presume). The errors recorded in the Event Log were the same except that:

Error E7D1001F: Unable to write to file.

-- - was replaced by ---

Error E7D1001E: Unable to read from file.


I have attempted to run this backup 6 times now in as many days. 4 times I have gotten the E7D1001F (write to) error and 2 times I have gotten the E7D1001E (read from) error.


PLEASE, I NEED SOME SUGGESTIONS!!!  As far as I know, nothing has changed on any of my computers.

Well, I still don't know what the problem was, but I finally got a backup to run.


I rebooted the computer which has the USB drive connected to it ... nothing is running on it. I rebooted the computer that runs Ghost & which is being backed up. I started absolutely nothing on that computer except the backup procedure in Ghost. It ran fine overnight ... took 7 **bleep** hours, but oh well ... that's why it gets run at night!!