How can I exclude a drive from a FIle and Folder backup?
When I created that job, all of my drives were included (whether by default or by choice, I can't remember). The drives that are backed up include the external drive that serves as the destination for the backup. In other words, Ghost is backing up the document files that reside on the destination drive itself.
I can't find how to exclude the external drive from the file and folder backup. Can you help?
Ghost goes by file extensions and directory names. Can you tell me what types of files (file extensions and so forth) are being backed up on the backup drive, and the directory name itself?
If for example you have a directory named My Documents it might get backed up because of its name. In this case you could try just renaming the directory to something else and see if Ghost still backs it up.
For image backups Ghost knows to automatically exclude the backup drive, not so sure this works with file and folder backups. Just to make sure please go into Manage Backup Destination from the Tools tab. Check to make sure that your backup drive is shown there.