Ghost 15 File and Folder Backup: Can I delete backup job and associated data?

I have recently started using Ghost 15 to make daily backups of work-in-progress to an external USB drive. I use File and Folder Backup on selected folders and have a separate Backup Job for each folder (usually, only about 4 or 5 in total). I am not interested in backing up all data on the drive.

When the work in a single folder is finished, it is removed from the PC and transferred to a separate long-term archive. I would then like to be able to remove the Ghost backup job and all of its associated data files - can anyone tell me the proper way of doing this? I only seem to be able to remove old backup data by going to Recover My Files, and manually searching through the thousands of files in multiple backup jobs. This is a very laborious task, and also tricky when the number of files in the backup exceeds the number of files that the dialogue is able to display.

I also have a 'Test Backup' that I created when I first bought Ghost and was learning how to use it. The original backup job has been deleted (at which point I discovered that the data wasn't removed at the same time), so I have no idea what files the backup actually contains but I'm fairly certain that it will have been unimportant stuff. The Backup History tells me that it contains 16 GB and I would like to remove these files to make space on the backup drive. How can I find out which files in the backup were put there by my 'Test Backup' job so that I can remove them?

Thanks for any help.