I think it quite possible that the upcoming holidays are slowing things down a bit on this. And I wouldn't call him my buddy, but rather someone I have come to respect on problems which become really involved, etc.
You see, Symantec employees are spread quite thin with the volume of posts, etc on the various forums and some of us long time people try to help out where we can. When we really get stuck on something we send a message to them and request that they provide input on a specific thread to help move things along.
Hopefully he will get my message soon but I think the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday is going to create somewhat of a delay from what would normally happen.
Just wanted to let you know that I was able to resolve the problem! I previously noticed this error entry in the Ghost event log and re-read its contents:
Error EC8F1780: Cannot successfully reconcile changes since last session. Error EC8F1771: Cannot enumerate the current drives on this system. Error E0BB0147: The operation 'Snap Volume' is not currently enabled for this Volume. Error E0BB0147: The operation '%1' is not currently enabled for this %2. Details: Source: Norton Ghost
Also, the Ghost "partition" file seemed to suggest that there was invalid partition information (despite having run chkdsk /r several times). So, I deleted and rebuilt my boot partition and then used my Ghost boot disk to restore my system. After doing this, I re-ran Ghost from Windows 7 and, voila, it worked!
We had definitely had some thoguht about this being a possible drive issue earlier and it was not just chkd /r being clean but I also looked at your partition information and did not see any apparent problems either.
I'm not sure what (if any) meaning the section you are probably referring to in the partinfo.txt has. Every partinfo file I have looked at (including my own) has this blurb in there. Bear in mind this is in the raw hex dump area of the partition table and the letters and such off to the right hand column are interpretations (many times perceived) of that raw hex data. Given that every partinfo file has this, it does not in and of itself appear to meany anything is wrong. You will probably still see this in yours if you rerun the PartInfo.exe file.
Makes me wonder if I might have missed some other clue in that file though. I'll be asking my Symantec contact his opinion on that.
The main thing is that this is now working for you, well done!
You should mark *your* post as the solution on this one.
Thanks so much for the update. Happy Thanksgiving again!