The full details are here:
Could someone try to reproduce the problem. I really think this is a bug in NG15. My website includes a small *.bat script that I used to illustrate how it happens. There is complete documentation there including screen shots and log files. The *.bat script I used is also here:
mkdir NG15Test
pushd NG15Test
mkdir DirectoryLinks
mkdir RealFiles
mkdir SymbolicFileLinks
echo This is a real valuable file. Too bad I am going to lose it.> RealFiles\TestJunk.txt
pushd SymbolicFileLinks
mklink TestJunk.txt ..\RealFiles\TestJunk.txt
pushd DirectoryLinks
mklink /d SymbolicLinkToRealFiles ..\RealFiles
mklink /j JunctionLinkToRealFiles ..\RealFiles
dir DirectoryLinks RealFiles SymbolicFileLinks
type RealFiles\TestJunk.txt
type SymbolicFileLinks\TestJunk.txt
echo Now define and run an NG15 backup for your small partition
@echo Now in Windows Explorer double click your back up file (*.v21 or *.iv21), navigate to NG15Test,
@echo right click NG15Test, and select recover.
cd NG15Test
dir DirectoryLinks RealFiles SymbolicFileLinks
type RealFiles\TestJunk.txt
type SymbolicFileLinks\TestJunk.txt
echo Observe that NG15 wiped out my valuable file.