I recently purchased Norton Ghost 15, as we need recover an external PC.
Im trying to create a custom recovery disc, I get to the bit that says "drivers to include > select storage or network devices" and they have to be .inf files.
image I have saved, is on an external harddrive - one that just seems to work with XP without driver installation - my problem is, trying to find out how to add USB support, to this disc. I have found the driver on my XP local machine and its a .sys so Norton doesnt allow it.
Any ideas what I need to do? I simply need to create a boot disc, but one that already has USB support - on norton ghost 11 it just came up a box saying "peer to peer usb support" tick box.. and that used to work.
But on this new version you have to add them manually.. as currently nothing appears in that box.
welcome to the forum, We can't see your screen shots yet, they need to be approved.
To create a Custom SRD all you need to do is install Ghost 15 and make sure that you switch on all the external devices that you want to use and follow the instructions on screen.
All the necessary drivers will be added, ignore other questions about drivers and create the disk.
What format are the image files in? GHO or V2I? Ghost 15 is not compatible with GHO files. You can boot the Ghost 15 SRD without adding drivers and it should work with USB (not USB 3 though). If you have Ghost32.exe, you can run it within the Ghost 15 SRD environment by putting it on a UFD (USB flash drive) or the hard drive that contains the images. You will have to launch it from the command prompt.
Anyway, let us know the image file type and we can go from there.
The image files are .gho and stored on an external HD. - but i cant even find them as its the usb thats the problem. - wait did you say .gho isnt compatable? I thought i read on the product instructions before I purchased that ghost 15 was backwards compatable?
""Backwards compatibility restores backups with previous versions of Norton Ghost or Norton™ Save & Restore""
I created the recovery disc - it had no additional usb drivers found - when I plugged into machine, the RD booted up as you would expect, but it did not see the external HD, so Im guessing its because I didnt "add usb driver" to the disc.
We used to use ghost 8 or something, where you could add addiitional drivers for mice/keyboards/harddrives but ticking "allow USB access" but on this "later" version it says Ineed to add manually.
I cant find a manual usb driver for the harddrive, as its plug and play.
I look forward to your replies, thanks for repling so far tho.
The product you need to restore Ghost GHO files is Symantec's Ghost Solution Suite. It is an enterprise program as opposed to Norton Ghost which is a consumer grade product. (Why they use the same name for two products that are not compatible with each other is beyond me. I wonder if the trial version would restore your backup. You may want to contact someone on the GSS FORUM.
The Ghost 10 CD could restore GHO and V2I files. It has Ghost32 version 8.2 on it and runs under WinPE 1.0. I skipped the versions in between 10 and 15, so I'm not sure if Ghost 12 can do this or not.
If that screenshot for making a boot disk is from GSS, you should be using it to make a Windows PE disk rather than a floppy.
The last consumer version to make .gho image files was Ghost 2003.
For corporate customers, the versions that make .gho files are 8.x and 11.x
Ghost Solution Suite 2.5 uses Ghost 11.5, that is the most recent version.
Ghost 9.0, 10.0, and 12-15 are consumer products that make .v2i files although 9 and 10 provided the ability to restore .gho files as well as .v2i files. However, those PE disks were based on XP and have limited SATA support.
If you have GSS2, your best bet is to use the boot disk builder to make a WindowsPE Ghost disk.