Well apparently I’ve gotten too old to follow complex instructions anymore. I have owned ghost 15 for about 8 months and have only succeeded in total frustration. I’m running win 7 and trying to clone my drive to an external USB drive. I know, I know there is no such word as clone in Ghost 15. All the terms have changed for some demented reason. Is Norton now Government owned? I’m just venting because I’ve spent somewhere between 50 and 70 hours on this over an 8 month period and finally realize that it just isn’t going to happen. The confusion level has gone up and my mental capacity has gone down. Somewhere along the way they passed each other buy. I live in a world of acronyms, and I don’t know what they mean. Even when I find out what the acronym stands for, I don’t know what that means and even if I found out what it meant I would have forgotten why I wanted to know. What happened to the KISS method? I know that there is a certain amount of pride and prestige in making a program so complicated that everyone thinks: Oh he must be really smart! Bull scat! I think if a programmer made programs for old people (i.e. simple and easy to use for old dummies like me who sometimes can’t remember why he got in the car and left the house) everyone would think he was really smart, because he really would be. Thank you for your time. John P.S. I hope that everyone understands that when I say He, I use it because it is one less letter than She.