I'm practising disaster recovery but When trying to recover Win7 System partition (100MB) to another disk, I get an error "EOBBOO24 Set Active is not supported". I hope someone could help me out here.
Here is some background what I have done. I bought HP Pavilion H8-1150 and realized that Win7 was on 2GB Disk without any separate data partition. It had 3 partitions (system 100BM, Recovery ~13GB, Win7/OS 1,8TB !). It had also another 1TB disk. I decided to buy SSD disk (Samsung 830 series 128GB, which came with Ghost 15). After some difficulties, I managed to copy both System and Win7 partition to my SSD. I had to use Bootit BM to shrink the Win7 partition as it did not work after using Windowns own shrink method. So, now I have working Win7 in SSD with 3 partition (System 100MB, Win7 90GB, Programs 30GB). I'm planning to have my data on that 2GB disk and use 1GB as backup disk (recover Win7 to this in case SDD failure and have bacup data here as well in case failure in 2GB HDD)
So, having had some HDD fault in the past I wanted to practise the Win7 recovery to my 1TB disk in case my SSD disk breaks. I made unallocated partition to my 1TB disk. I backed up my SSD partitions; Win7 and System with Ghost 15 (just in case I did one from windowns and one by booting from Ghost bootable/recovery CD. Here I realized that the System partioon backup/image done in Windows had no Drive letter but somehow the one I made when booting to Ghost CD had drive letter, even if my SSD System partion had no drive letter). Then I took SSD SATA cable out, booted with Ghost 15 CD and tried to do recovery to my 1TB disk (backup files were on 2TB disk). When trying to recover System partition I got error "EOBBOO24 Set Active is not supported".
I have tried to read all the threads out there but don't find quite similar case. I saw this thread
and used those options instructed (below)
Restore to a new HD if a SRP is present
For the SRP
Verify recovery point before restore
Partition type : Primary
Check for file system errors after recovery
Set drive active (for booting OS)
Restore original disk signature
Restore master boot record
I don't need to make my PC dual boot, but there was one thread were people had followed first few steps of this instuction
I looks quite complicated and before doing anything to my boot configuration and messing up my PC totally, I would like to get some advice from this forum first.
I start to wonder if the issue is really in my Boot configuration as I have had so many HDD connected to my PC where there has been ACTIVE system partition. I had even my old XP PC's HDD attached (with active boot partition) as I wanted to copy old data from there.
So, I would be greatfull for any advice to get my recovery test successfully finished and be prepared for potential SSD failure.
Thanks in advance,
p.s. sorry for this long story, but when reading other threads you needed to be very precise to explain the issue.