Ghost 2003 error

Hi everyone,


My copy of Ghost 2003 came with an Iomega Rev backup-drive that I purchased around 4 years ago and has proved a god-send on several occasions.  It's got me out of many a sticky situation when my hard-drives have had problems.


However, after a Windows issue the other day I needed to revert to an image backup that I'd taken only a few days earlier using Ghost 2003.  I was shocked to see the following error appear when attempting to restore:-


"Abort 25003: Could not fit translated attributes into buffer size"


This was the first time I'd ever seen an error from Ghost.


I tried changing some of the options in Ghost to see if that would help and I also tried running a "chkdsk /P" to fix any dodgy clusters present.  Though some were found, the chkdsk completed successfully after making the necessary repairs.


I also tried checking the consistency of the backup image but Ghost confirmed that it was ok.


Does anybody have any suggestions as to how I can restore my backup successfully onto my PC?


Thanks for any help given.


