About 2 months ago my Asus A7V8X motherboard failed and was replaced with the next generation A7N8X. The major difference is that the A7V8X has a Via chipset while the A7N8X has an Nvida chipset that supports higher speed memory. I wasn't excited about reinstalling Windows (98SE) so I tried bringing it up with the new board to see what would happen. There was some fooling around where it wanted some new files but it wasn't that much of a hassle. It's pretty much back to where it was except that certain audio files are "noisy".
When I run Ghost 2003 backup and it switches to MS-DOS mode, the system will now hang. If I press Reset while hung the system will reboot, come up in MS-DOS mode, perform the Ghost backup/verification task, and return to Windows. It didn't hang with the old board. Furthermore the Shut Down Windows/Restart in MS-DOS mode feature of Windows works fine, i.e. without hanging.
This sounds more like a problem with the new board and/or my not reinstalling Windows but I wanted to see if this happens to be a known Ghost 2003 issue. Can I manually restart in MS-DOS mode and run Ghost from the command prompt? If so, is this going to be complicated in terms of specifying the same options that I now do in Windows?