Ghost a SSD?

Hi.  I consider myself very well versed in Ghost (been using Ghost since mid 90s) and moreover a guru in computers, especially the Windows/DOS worlds.


I have been using version 9.0 for years and love it.


Recently I purchased a Dell Inspiron Mini9 computer which has a solid state hard drive and no cd drive.  I would like to Ghost the entire "drive" in case of a catastrophe as I have done for years on my larger desktops.  I have several questions:


1)Can Ghost 14.0 (or other previous versions) work with solid state drives?  I can find no reference in the Symantec website.

2)Is there a way to restore an Image without using the Ghost cd?  One option would be to somehow load/create a bootable USB Flash key so I don't have to plunk down $80 for a silly external cd drive I may never use.  I have found some sites that will show me how to create a bootable Flash drive, but, my Flash drive needs to have the Ghost Restore apps otherwise the Flash drive is useless.  :)



Any ideas?


Thanks so much in advance!!




p.s. the SSD drive is only 16gigs large.

Message Edited by Ericinboston on 01-06-2009 06:12 PM