As simple as it seems, the use of "Recover My Files" completely baffles me. I must be misunderstanding something elementary.
I regularly run a file backup job. The files being backed up are on an external USB drive, F:. The backup destination is on a different external USB drive, G:. The backup appears to execute normally, and I can see backup folders on the destination drive. The files being backed-up are in a normal, hierarchical directory structure like: F:\Cool Folders\Folder 1\File 17 The backu
To test the backups, I disconnected the original source drive (F:), and started up Ghost. Using Tasks / Recover My Files, it appears that the only way to search the folder structure "Cool Folders" is if I know something about the names of the files (e.g. "File 17")
Is there no way to get it show me the directory structure beneath "Cool Folders'?
If I use "advanced search", and tell it to look in "My Passport (G:\) it either says, "please use a local drive", or it says "no results to display"
If I use "advanced search", and tell it to search for Cool Folders and to look in "Local hard drives (C:\,G:\), it reports "Cool Folders", but gives me no way to look inside the directory, or says "no results to display".
Clearly, I do not understand how file/folder backup works. And yes, I have read the documentation, but with no success.