I plan to get some NAS for the first time. And because I care about data loss due to more than just drive failure (say, deletion due operator error), I'm considering using Ghost to back up the hard drive(s) (attached to my router) instead of (or perhaps in addition to) RAID (which I've also never used since Ghost has always had my back).
Back in the 1990s I recall painfully slow Ghost backups over ethernet, so I'm hesitant even though now of course my LAN is a gigabit one. When Ghost installed on a PC backs up a HDD attached to NAS to another HDD attached to the same NAS, does the data travel a full round trip from the NAS to the PC and back to the NAS? (In that case I'd probably chose to backup the NAS to a HDD internal to the PC.)
In any case, how satisfactory do people find backing up NAS with Ghost? Could a gigabyte or two of NAS data be backed up fast enough for the base backup to happen overnight?