ghost copy drive ISSUE

So im on windows 7 professional.


my old drive started clicking so i upgraded. Bought a larger drive and did a copy of my hard drive.

After the program finished I turned off my computer and booted up my new drive. No issues
until Windows 7 hits me with a genuine blue screen, locking me out my computer.

I searched the web, another pc, found a solution having to do with the "drive letters" needing to be changed.
Went back to my computer and booted it up. Now everytime The pc gives me a Split second Blue screen of death
and restarts. No safe mode, nothing.

So I put in my old harddrive, the one i just made a copy from and It wont boot. not until i put both drives back in
the computer wont start. So I do a start up repair on my old drive and that's were im at.

I shouldn't have to go through all this for a simple drive copy and swap out.