Ghost image - restore location?

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A few years ago I backed up SBS from one of my PC's.  I now wanted to restore it and wondering - WHERE did it COME from ? If I open the image with ghost 2003 explorer and check a few log files I can see that when I used it, it was installed on "  D:\ " . Great, but was D:\ a partition on a drive or a separate drive ? If a separate drive - WHICH drive ? etc. I reconfig'ed a few times and upgraded drives ( from from 20 gb to 120 to 300gb ... IDE to SATA) . I could not find any system Volume info anywhere in the image using Ghost explorer and no info in the image's My Documents etc that mention config at that time - anyone have a pointer - where to look in an XP Pro image file to see WHERE it came from ?  If came from it's own drive - great it'll have boot block info etc, otherwise none. ( usually I take a snapshot of Disk Mgmt screen before image backup but not this time )




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