Ghost Installation on old PC

I have an old-ish PC whose HD I want to create a recovery disk for and then clone. It is a "frozen" configuration meaning I can't change or update the OS (XP SP2) or .NET Framework or much of anything else as other things may break. I looked at the minimum system requirements for Ghost 15.0 in the user manual and the one thing that stuck out was that it requires .NET 2.0 or later. I have .NET 1.0 on my PC. Does anyone know if Ghost will not run at all with .NET 1.0 installed or is it just that some features (hopefully less common ones) may not work? If it will not work at all, does anyone know what version of Ghost would work best for my configuration? Ideally, it would not need to be installed but would run entirely from the CD, but that is not absolutely necessary.

