Ghost Solution Suite 2.5 questions

In addition to daily backups, the company I work for would like to begin imaging servers in case of hard drive failure.  I am thinking we would need a ghost console server and the client installed on each server.  On a weekly basis we would like to schedule a hot imaging job over the network saving the images on the server.  We have the following servers and I was wonderiing if anyone can forsee if ghost solution suite would have any problems with the following sources:


  • windows 2000 domain controller server with mssql 2000 server
  • windows 2003 domain controller with dns/dhcp services

Would hot imagng work for the above?  Or would some scripting be neccessary to shut down the services such as dns/dhcp/ sql server?


Ideally we could do this imaging on a weekly basis and while they are being imaged, the servers services would still be running.