Ghost v.14, moving windows to a bigger disk, instructions in USER GUIDE

I've run out of room on my old HD so I buy a new 500gb IDE drive.

Per the User Guide, I install the new HD and set the jumpers to slave.

I use the "Copy My Hard Drive" feature, but what drive letter do I use?

I can't use "C" because that's already taken.

If I choose F, how do I change it back to C when I go to boot the system with the new drive?

At what point do I change the jumpers so that the new disk is the Master and the old disk is the slave?


The instructions STOP right after the Copy My Hard Drive stuff.

Could somebody please point me to a step by step "Copy My Hard Disk For DUMMIES" page?







Message Edited by shannons on 02-10-2009 07:12 PM