Ghost Ver 2003, Ghost Explorer, How to avoid excessive CD swaping on archives?

Hi All, 


I am using an XP Pro OS with 80GB and 160GB hard drives so I have plenty of work space to play in.


I am trying to use Ghost Explorer to find and extract some old user software from a Ghost backup to CD-Rs of an old W2K PRO system backup taken back in 2005 but am running into the “Excessive Disk Swap” problem (my backup set spans 12 CD-Rs). 


So I thought I would create a work folder on one of my hard drives and copy all 12 of the CDs to that location.  Creation of the folder and coping of the spanned volumes went smoothly but, when I launched Ghost Explorer and opened the first file of the set by pointing to the copy of the first CD of the backup set in the work folder, Ghost Explorer seemed to read a little data and then insisted that I mount the last CD of the backup set on my hard drive!!!  This of course makes no sense and leads to a swamp swivet of errors until I give up in frustration.


I tried to run Explorer directly from CD ROM but, as promised,  this leads to requests to mount the first and last volumes of the backup set over and over in an endless loop and apparently making no useful progress.


So does anyone know how to:


a.  load a multi volume CD backup set to a hard drive and get Explorer to work with it or,


b.  Get Ghost Explorer to work directly from the CD ROM.


I remember DOS once had a method to assign a file folder to a physical drive.  Something like


C:Gho_Wrk = D:     is there some equivalent way to do this in Windows??


I have exhausted myself searching Ghost help files and the Norton Knowledge Base for information without success.



Any suggestions appreciated,


Bob Smith