GHOST vulnerable w/o MS Support on Win XP?

I run Win XP SP3 on my old, 2004 17" Toshiba laptop ("dual-core," 3.2 GHz). Been an amazing computer. Still going strong after 10-years. (Well, the DVD writer crapped-out about a month ago. But I got a USB external drive to replace it.)


Have decided I'm gonna try and tuff it out with XP on my old Toshb, even after MS stops support on April 8, 2014. Hoping to hold out for Win 9 on a new computer, in about 1-year or so. Will take lots of precautions to keep from getting "killed" by hackers, including saving critical files to DVDs periodically. And, of course, always do GHOST "incrementals" -- maybe several times per day. question is this: Without MS support, will Win XP let hackers penetrate even to GHOST back-ups? If so, anything I can do to better my odds of that not happening?


Appreciate any help.