Giving Up Because of distrptr.dat

After suffering with this issue in N360, I'm glad that I went for the free trial of Norton Security, because the issue still exists and I can't live with it.

Norton Security completely monopolizes my machine.  Everything grinds to a halt because nsbu.exe is doing so much I/O involving diStRptr.dat and diStRptr.dat.log.

Having searched the forums (and the 'Net in general), and having found that although Norton is aware of this problem, they have chosen not to fix it over the past (at least) two years, I've simply decided to give up.

Apparently, there is nowhere to go for support other than the forums -- which others have tried, to no avail.

I've been using Norton security suites (in their several incarnations) for years now, but this one is driving me away.  Would stay with Norton if I had a fix, but I simply can't deal with having my PC effectively bricked so much of the time.

Good riddance.