GoBack 3 BSOD GoBack2k.sys Error

I just dug out my old copy and installed on my XP Pro computer yesterday.


Came to reboot today and now get the BSOD.


Read a few threads on th net and I used XP recovery to fix the MBR (fixmbr) I could get to XP via safe mode but now I can't.


The whole system seems srewed... wish I never put it on as I have mountains of work on there that I can't loose.


Any ideas?



What are you planning on doing with ptedit, change the partition type?


The usuall way of removing goback on a system that doesn't boot is the goback removal tool.

If that doesn't work, it at least unhooks goback from the MBR and partition table.  I recall needing to sometimes change the partition type but only after using the goback removal tool.


I can't get to the KB article about the tool but here is the download


When you boot the tool you get 4 options:


1. To unhook GoBack (for typical machines)
2. To repair the Master Boot Record (for typical machines)
3. To Load IDE (typical) CD-ROM Drivers and exit to the command prompt
4. To Load SCSI CD-ROM Drivers and exit to the command prompt


You want to try option 1.  It doesn't give any progress indicator but leave it for a few minutes.



You also may want to look at this topic here.



See my post #10 and see if it's any help.


Hi Dave

Thanks for your help.... I read your post's and made the CD's and ran through the proceedure. Kept getting so far but in the end I HAD to fall back onto the basic registry to complete. Now I have a system that boots ok and runs ok BUT I have lost my 'User Account'


It's there but I can't seem to activate it. Tried all the copying from old 'user' to new 'user-B2347######' but although things like 'Favorites' and most icons are back.... The system thinks many of my software is not registered to me and this reflects in the 'Add & Remove Programs' where on 4 items exist.


I know I had a registry back-up somwhere on my drive but hell if I can find the thing :(


Just need a way of RESTORING my original 'user' account. Read all microsoft pages but not all will copy accross.

I just dug out my old copy and installed on my XP Pro computer yesterday.


Came to reboot today and now get the BSOD.


Read a few threads on th net and I used XP recovery to fix the MBR (fixmbr) I could get to XP via safe mode but now I can't.


The whole system seems srewed... wish I never put it on as I have mountains of work on there that I can't loose.


Any ideas?



I don't know what you did to the registry, you mentioned doing something to it in your second post.

If by "falling back onto the basic registry" you mean that you used the original "regback" files then yes, that was made during the install of XP and it predates all your software and user files.


It was also made before any system restore points were made so thats not going to help you now either.


Check this article here:



Use that to access your  System Volume Information folder and see if you have any restore point folders.

Look for folders named RPxxx with the x being numbers. (RP = restore point).  If they exist, inside will be a "snapshot" folder that contains registry backups.  See if you have a folder that predates the install of GoBack but is still fairly recent.

If you find some, copy them to another location so they don't get removed as new restore points are created.




Thanks Dave....

Good idea but my luck 'aint that good :( The folder is empty and dated 29/6/09. It must have been replaced. I have found one reg backup dated 23rd April 2012named 'savedkey.reg' at 7kb in size. Does this look healthy?


I have the drive cloned now so would it be feasable to try to restore this backup? If so how?


'Aint these things sent to try us???

No, that is not a complete registry backup at 7kb.  It must be a backup of a single key


You don't happen to have a backup, image, or clone from before you installed GoBack do you?

What happened to the registry you were using before you resored or replaced it with the "basic" registry.

I'm assuming you switched it with the one from C:\windows\repair, but what happened to the old one?


I kept gettinh the BSOD with a reference to Goback2k. I ran NGB Boot, it sad "Bad Command" but later stated Goback had been unhooked.


Reboot and BSOD referencing "autochk.exe cannot be found" and so it went on. I have done everything I have found on the net and all your 'kind' suggestions but sadly to no avail.


I can at least now recover my important data from the clone (I NOW have made) and am in the process of a re-biuld.


It's probably for the best really as the drive had accumulated some junk along the way.


Thanks for your kind help with this though....





Very sorry it didn't work out.  A registry backup would have saved everything and it's a shame system restore wasn't even working.


GoBack has been long discontined, Norton Ghost is the best way to ensure a full system backup now.

If you stick with XP you also may want to use a free tool called Erunt to make full registry backups.
