Good video converter?


Can anyone please recommend me a good video converter software which handles with a lot of video file formats (flv,avi,wmv,mkv,mp4,mov,...)? I'm interested in both free or paid software.

I found one in google: imtoo video converter, is it good or bad? Does anyone use it?


I don't often convert video files, but here's the one I've had on my system for years and it's always done what I needed it to do. The free version is fine for my purposes, but they also offer paid versions. Give it a try if you want.


Any Video Converter

Thanks mp3jo and killyourtv,

I tried both and I like them, I keep both on my system.


Can anyone please recommend me a good video converter software which handles with a lot of video file formats (flv,avi,wmv,mkv,mp4,mov,...)? I'm interested in both free or paid software.

I found one in google: imtoo video converter, is it good or bad? Does anyone use it?
