Google Chrome


Is Norton 360 can integrate with Google Chrome 14.0.835.202 ?


If so , how can I add Identity Safe ?



:smileysad:Has anyone developed a way to add The Norton Password Manager to Google Chrome? I really like the speed of opening Chrome almost instantly but they don't have a plug-in for Norton Password Manager! They said you Symantec/Norton needs to come up with something. I know Xmarks is working on a plug-in and it seems to be working. Now I just need to be able to use my password manager from Norton.

Bank of America allows Google Chrome for its on-line banking.  Looks like recognition for Google Chrome is gaining.

@ thread

Welcome to the Community

Please see Norton Ideas and add you voice....:smileyhappy:

Es ist ausgesprochen schade, dass die NIS-Toolbar nicht mit Google Chrome funktioniert. Der Browser ist echt schnell und Ressourcen schonend.


Es wäre äußerst wünschenswert, dass Norton sich darum verstärkt kümmert.


Vielleicht weiß einer von Euch hier drinnen, ob sich in der Richtung was tut.

Hallo herbienr1,


willkommen im Norton Forum!

Ich habe deine Nachricht in diese Diskussion verschoben, da hier eine ähnliche Frage gestellt wurde.


Info, siehe meine letzte Nachricht oben, und hier gibt es einige weitere Infos zu neuen Funktionen in den NIS 2011-Versionen:ür-Norton-2011/m-p/2773


Viele Grüße,

Guten Tag, ich finde es schade das der Browser von Google nicht von Norton unterstützt wird. Der Browser ist sehr schnell und bietet auch Addons seit neuem. Ist eine Unterstützung in Zukunft geplant? Das wäre schön.

Norton identity safe for Google Chrome is currently available for Norton Internet Security 2012..


*If you use Norton 360,please stay tuned for the next version (6),

it is expected to be released January 2012....

it for sure will support all 2012 function include backup and tuneup as well


*The beta also not yet available for it,stay tuned in this forum to get latest information..:smileyvery-happy:


Is Norton 360 can integrate with Google Chrome 14.0.835.202 ?


If so , how can I add Identity Safe ?




I don't understand why 360 doesn't compatible with Chrome ?:smileysurprised:

Chrome has been a small-market browser, without enough of a user base to justify support. This has obviously changed now, which is why Chrome support is included in the 2012 products.

I have the latest version of Norton 360 and am worried because I use google chrome sometimes with certain websites.  Identity safe isn't working although the forums say it should work with 2012.  I can live without identity safe for the few websites I use chrome for but I am worried.  Is Norton working AT ALL with chrome.  Is the firewall and the other protection I have paid for working?  If so how do I get identity safe to work?


I have Firefox 8 with 360 , with no problems .

Do you recommend using Google Chrome with the new 360 when available ?

Meaning : what is the best browser working with Norton 360 ?


Hello ronenhaim,

Currently  Norton 360 V5 System Requirements state  "Phishing Protection feature available only on 32-bit Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher or Firefox 3.0 or higher".

Hi, UdnyQuine,


Welcome to our community!


Don't worry, even with an entirely incompatible browser, all the other protective functions of Norton are functioning just fine; it's only the antiphishing and Identity Safe functions that specifically involve browser integration that are unavailable. You won't have access to them until the 2012 version of Norton 360 (v.6) comes out of Beta testing in a few months. The 2011 versions of Norton (including 360 v.5) did not include Chrome support.

I have N360 V 5 and have 114 days left on my subscription. If I renew to 360  2012  now so I can use Identity Safe with Chrome, will I then have 365 + 114 days on my new subscription?

Hi jghtn144,


Norton 360 v.6 is still in beta and uses a Beta Subscription Activation Key that is specific to the beta, and which provides a maximum of 28 days of subscription time.  Renewing your regular subscription won't actually accomplish anything as far as the new version goes.  Your best option is to wait until Norton 360 v.6 is officially released, at which time you will be able to upgrade to the new version for free, using your current subscription.  Using a beta product on anything other than a PC that is strictly a test machine is not recommended.

I thought I would give Google Chrome a whirl yesterday.


Having installed it I had no indication that NIS 2011 has integrated with it as I had no toolbar and no Identity Safe.


So Chrome came straight off and I'm now back to FF 9

Hi Kremmen


You could upgrade for free to NIS 2012 as you appear to have a active licence

for NIS 2011. Then you would have the support of Norton with Google Chrome,

Internet Explorer and Firefox making a for a great choice of Browsers with the

safety and security of Symantec Norton on your side.

To upgrade you would have to download  NIS  2012  from the link provided and

follow the steps to install and activate if you wish to upgrade. :smileyhappy:



I 'could' upgrade to NIS 2012 but there are just too many issues still to be solved.


The most important to me being the Identity Safe problems with some websites.


Once the next hotfix comes out (19.3 ?) and Identity Safe is sorted I may upgrade.