google drive sub-site being blocked by norton DNS -


   I found that a sub-site used by google drive ( is being blocked by Norton DNS.


For reference here is the link for the report


I do realise that it is a choice to use the DNS service and you always have the option to re-configure to not use the Norton DNS service if it is causing an issue.

 Obviously blocking a site like this will affect a large number of people who may use the site but would not be exposed to the malicous content, and is one of the weaknesses of using secure DNS servers as they do not see the full URI just the domain name so are unable to detect the differences.

 I would however like to know  the following:


1) In case like this where you are not the site owner, how do you request Norton to re-evaluate a site?

2) Is there a policy on when the site would automatically be re-evaluated? (If there is, it would be helpfu is on the report page for the site it stated when the site would next be evaluated)

3) The report page does not give any details of files/paths that have been flagged as malicous; This would be useful as at least then I could approach the site owner asking to remove the content so the site can be then checked again,  also allow checking of historic access logs to see if any users did access the content before the site was blocked. Is this info available?


