In advance sorry for my computer ignorance. I am not new to computers but I am not expert either.
I just got a new computer with Windows 7 just a few days ago that I am SLOWLY!!!! Learning.
When I downloaded Norton Internet Security 2012, I got something new that I did not have in Windows XP.
I got a small window on the upper left side of my Windows screen showing that Norton was on and I was secured. I like this feature.
Today by mistake, I clicked on the X of the window and it disappeared. How can I get this back?
Is it Norton or does it have to do with the graphics on Windows?
I know I am secure because the Norton Icon on the taskbar says I am secured. I thought the window would come back when I restarted the computer but it did not.
I would appreciate your help in getting my little announcement window back.
Thanks in advance.