Hello folks!
Tim's announcement re Pathc1 of Norton 2010 products says "Updated Norton Insight to enhance its effectiveness"
I think I found what is it - just a few minutes ago I came across something I haven't seen before and this new (to me) thinks now makes Norton the perfect , the very best security solutions.
I downloaded a file (fake AV) which was detected heuristically a few hours ago . Now the same server contains a new variant . Download Insight gives a yellow (Unproven status) to this exe file
Previously , it was a problem which was noted even by Matt at remove-malware.com . Problem that when the file is unproven , Norton does nothing but just a warning . Now it does produce a warning + it stopped me from running the unproven file and asked for my permission . That is excellent , guys!!!
However , I ran the file and SONAR2 poped-up immedialely :)
Excellent job , Symantec team !!!