I would like to know how you determine who gets Guru status among the forum members. I have noticed that all the Gurus have many posts, but it can’t be based on that alone. Some forum members have more posts than many of the Gurus, but they don’t have the Guru designation beside their names. Exactly what are the criteria for Guru status?
I would like to know how you determine who gets Guru status among the forum members. I have noticed that all the Gurus have many posts, but it can’t be based on that alone. Some forum members have more posts than many of the Gurus, but they don’t have the Guru designation beside their names. Exactly what are the criteria for Guru status?
A tiny addition to mo's excellent answer:
I'll just add that the guru title is NOT courtesy of ONLY the rank-r-rator ;-)) Besides having thick skin, you also need endless patience and polished communicative skills (example: if an enraged poster is "venting" in a thread/message, the guru will NEVER "yell" back but will instead say something along the lines of, "I understand your situation and we're sorry about this inconvenience. Can you please give us more details about the problem you are experiencing so we can help you find a solution?"). A hardcore sense of responsibility and long-lasting commitment is, of course, a must.
Details on the EXACT guru-becoming-procedure are not revealed in case people try to "cheat" their way up the ranks (though I wouldn't know how that could be possible...but who knows...)...
Ducky ;-D
mo wrote:
There are many great feedback posts on that subject...this is the official one,but there are many others if you type in "guru" into the search pane and have a laugh or cry with what you read...
Gurus need thick skin,broad shoulders to carry the target,ability to communicate on many different levels to all sorts of members computer levels.I am sure others will post soon!!
Tip:find the rankorator thread that gives great insight!!
Message Edited by mo on 07-02-2009 07:58 AM
Especially thick skin ;)
A grim determination to do whatever is necessary to back up our users and solve their problems.
And protect users from themselves / others. If we have a chance after everything else, to help other Gurus too.
i see also embarrassing jealousy by "gurus" if new Users come into Forum and help others. this is very childish for adult people
i know that my english is not perfect but I am trying to translate correctly..
There is nothing wrong with your English, and you have a great deal to offer the forum.
Your solutions are simply not suitable, not properly limited to do no damage, and you are a junior poster. You will get there eventually, but we have watched as a junior member completely removed the Norton product from somebody's machine and was unable to put it back.
I'm sure you have been on other forums where even less was allowed to be done by new posters, and sometimes only the senior members were allowed to answer at all.
There are other issues of which you are not aware, which is why we limit activity on rootkit problems.
Ignoring our requests and insulting gurus while they are working is simply not indicative of a desire to be helpful.
Moment please , you tell great garbage …
My advice is also as secure or insecure as the tips of other Users here , we see also many Problems with Solutions from other Helpers you know this very good…The safest would be a quicker process from my Submissions to Symantec…an example of a rootkit detection “sys files” , 2 weeks and 4 weeks.
i check since many Weeks different Solution on a Tests PC with daily new rootkit from the Web and send this Malware to Symantec Security Response .
You can rest assured , on german Security Forums iam a senior Member with more than 12500 postings and i help thousands…for example with Hijackthis or others.
This Forum is not your private Playground , this Forum is for all Users , here each can be tell a useful hint… with insult by PM you are not much better, why are you on ignore . I do not offend anyone.
If they or other guru continue to launch childish attacks, I will notify Tony. I hope I have clearly expressed me
Voyager10 wrote:
@delphiniumMoment please , you tell great garbage ...
My advice is also as secure or insecure as the tips of other Users here , we see also many Problems with Solutions from other Helpers you know this very good..The safest would be a quicker process from my Submissions to Symantec...an example of a rootkit detection "sys files" , 2 weeks and 4 weeks.
i check since many Weeks different Solution on a Tests PC with daily new rootkit from the Web and send this Malware to Symantec Security Response .
You can rest assured , on german Security Forums iam a senior Member with more than 14500 postings and i help thousands...for example with Hijackthis or others.
This Forum is not your private Playground , this Forum is for all Users , here each can be tell a useful hint.. with insult by PM you are not much better, why are you on ignore . I do not offend anyone.
If they or other guru continue to launch childish attacks, I will notify Tony. I hope I have clearly expressed me
You seem to forget what you have written in other threads, when you write " I do not offend anyone." Remember this??
"very funny , If Avanger delete the files there is nothing more to be sent to Symantec, therefore it was only effective first disable the rootkit for example with "Gmer" . i can only shake his head about as much guru incompetence ."
And even in the your previous Message "@delphinium, Moment please , you tell great garbage ..."
We do take conversion, good or bad, when people say that won't work etc. or have you even tried??, but we don't need to take the likes of what is written above.
This thread has gotten way off topic. Please remember, this board is for Forum Feedback. While we appreciate all of your suggestions and contributions, personal issues should be taken to PM.
you can see this how you like, when a "guru" begins with childish insult he must tolerate the response.
if a say this tool or this tool can help to solve the Problem and i show Images as Evidence than should follow Arguments why someone else thinks different and not the playground gossip. I am always open to arguments.
Come on Guys.
Please all be happy with this great community. Let's focus on helping people instead of beating eachother
This thread has gotten way off topic, as such I'm going to set it to read only. Please remember the Participation Guidlines:
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Everyone wants to have a positive experience while visiting the Norton Community - please make sure that you are not detracting from any other participant's experience. In particular, please refrain from posting anything unlawful, libelous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, indecent, lewd, harassing, threatening, harmful, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive, inflammatory, ethnically, racially, religiously or sexually offensive, or otherwise objectionable or injurious to third parties.
Your opinions are always welcome, but a personal attack or harassment ("flaming") either through the Norton Community boards, blogs or forums, or through the Personal Message system, is prohibited.
Please remember that other community members can't see your facial expressions or hear the tone of your voice. It's easy for comments intended as harmless jokes to be mistaken for harsh, intentional criticism. While we strongly encourage open debates/discussions, we want to make sure that they take place in a climate of mutual respect.