GWXJTLQQJO & ZXOTMPA - Unrecognised Standard Services in Windows 7!!


One of my system been playing up last couple of days. Several Firefox crashes but with no obvious reason. Started looking around and came across this service in the Standard group:


Service Name: ZXOTMPA
Display Name: ZXOTMPA
Path to EXE: C:\Users\Martyn\AppData\Local\Temp\ZXOTMPA.exe
Startup: Manual
Status: Stopped
Logging on as the local system account and interacting with the desktop.
Type (from registry) 110 Hex (272 Dec)


Also found a second service, again in the Standard group




May not be the cause of my Firefox issues but either way guessing that these services should not be there. Google search revealed nothing!


Any comments, hints or tips on what to do next greatly appreciated.



