Hard Disk Netbook Clone to Smaller SSD using Ghost15



I've been reading the various posts and thought I had it all figured out how to do this but now am mightily confused. What I want to do is"clone" my (wife's ) ASUS EEE PC Hard Disk, all partitions, including the Restore partition and the BIOS Booster partitions. Drive image pic attached. I have deleted the D: Partition as it was empty, so I have C: and the other two. (I have read the pros and cons of these partitions and understand the sentiment but prefer to keep them all the same). MY current disk is 250 gig, the SSD 120Gig.


I gather the preferred way to do this is image-restore which means (if I understood) I need 4 drives connected: The original harddrive, the Norton Ghost CD in the CD Drive, the SSD replacement drive, AND another drive to store the image on. OK, I guess I don't really need the original and SSD drives connected simultaneously, but I need 4 drives total to do the operation. Please correct me if wrong. I then image the existing drive including the two hidden partitions to the "other" (USB) drive and restore that image to the SSD drive. Is this right? Also, Ghost 15 can't do this in "disk clone" mode since, as discussed, "disk" and "partition" are used interchangeably in Ghost these days.


On the restore step, I get a little fuzzy. I think the partitions must be in the same order and the hidden ones the same size? Any other things I am missing? Do I need to shrink C: before imaging since it is sligtly larger than the new drive when combined with the hidden partitions, although it is now only 40% used.


Thanks all - apologize if this use case has been covered, but I couldn't find it. I do want to keep both hidden partitions and the function provided since I find it useful.



