I have come across just recently something that I was totally not only unaware of priorly, but have unfortunately also been very nastily attacked by.
I am not even certain how my Google Chrome browser ( my preferred one ) even came into contact with Babylon?, which I have been told is everything from a search engine function for Microsoft, to an absolute virus, and anywhere in between. All I know is I went over to Microsoft to check out about Babylon, and mostly how to get rid of it fully, as it had literally taken over my Chrome, and laid waste to it's functioning completely.
Thought I had found the way to remove it, ( there were a lot of other users who also had reported Babylon, and how it was working, and spreading into other browsers,and wreaking havoc wherever it went. Just like a virus.)
After unistalling Chrome, and then re-installing it, and seeing that Babylon was still there, no matter what I did to remove it, I uninstalled my Chrome altogether, did a full Norton Scan, and Removal on it, as well as setting my Norton 15 Utilites on it fully too. I thought everything was alright.
Got up the next day, and was only on my computer less than an hour, and sure enough, up in IE9's browser bar, filling in all it's nasty bright green, was Babylon all over again. In less than 20 minutes, it had rendered IE9 unusable too! It was a nightmare!! It just went downhill from there, and I couldn't get any real answers from Microsoft about it either. But there were even more negative reports about Babylon, and how it was affecting the customers browsers, attaching them, and then jumping onto the next thing available. Just like a virus. There were at least 30+ complaints, and requests about how to get rid of it, as it was taking the user's computers down, and in the end, not being able to function.
Has anyone else had any trouble with Babylon? What exactly is it? How can it spread like this? Why won't Microsoft address the problem, it seems to turn it's back on the questions, and the results. All I know is I have never seen anything act like this before, nor spread that fast, and if it isn't a virus, and acting like one, then what is it?