According with the help option I can monitor IM Friend by doing this:
Under IM Friends should automatically be, click Confirmed IM Friend.
But, I can not get this option to come up to click.
Any ideas,
According with the help option I can monitor IM Friend by doing this:
Under IM Friends should automatically be, click Confirmed IM Friend.
But, I can not get this option to come up to click.
Any ideas,
You need to first select Chat Supervision and select "On", this will enable the page.
Second, until someone accesses an IM Friend for the first time, the IM Friend list will be empty.
Thanks Matt, let you know later about the results.
In the meantime, can you check why website "" is detected as a pornographic site. It is our public library that we use all the time. I had to turnoff Safety Minder. tks
I just tested your website and it is not coming back as pornography for me.
In fact it is coming back as "Uncategorized", if you have "Uncategorized" checked as a category, this would cause the issue you are seeing.
If you look at the actual block / warn screen, in bold it will tell you the category it was blocked on.
You can also go to the web settings for your children and specify websites the child is allowed to go to regardless of its category. If you added to that list your child will be able to visit the site and still be protected by the safety minder.
library website Ok now. thanks
Good tip, thanks, library website OK now.
In the event that, as a parent, you encounter a website that you feel has either not yet been categorized or categorized incorrectly, please read the following document that explains the process for contacting us so that we may evaluate and address the issue.
Thank you!