Having trouble re-installing NIS after PC rebuild



Our PC was disabled due to a lightening-induced surge through the phone line. A tech replaced the motherboard and now we are back up and running. I've tried several times to reinstall Norton Internet Security, which we had purchased online and is renewed through February '11. The symantic site told me to use the "Download Manager," which I downloaded, but then gave an error message that it could not install, that I needed to install "manually," and then linked me to instructions for downloading the NIS .exe file. I downloaded this file onto the desktop and rebooted. After restart, I double-clicked the desktop icon and selected "Run," but nothing happened. After the first attempt, I did a search on all files/folders with "Norton" in the name, deleted them all, rebooted, then followed the same process. The second attempt to install NIS also failed. If anyone knows what I'm doing wrong, or what the problem could be, please let me know. Thank you.

Hi lilsoren


Did you uninstall your previous version before attempting a new install or have you just deleted the folders?


Thank you for the response, mdturner. No, I did not uninstall. The Control Panel did not list NIS among the installed programs, and I wasn't sure of any other way to get rid of the folders that were found in the search. I downloaded the Norton uninstall tool but haven't used it because I wasn't sure that would be useful or not since the computer did not show NIS among the programs. Should I run that tool anyway? Thanks.

Hi lilsoren


Given the issues you are having it would be a good idea to run the Norton Removal Tool which you can download from here




Run the tool twice with a reboot between runs. Note that the Removal Tool will remove all Norton products from your system.


You can download the latest NIS2011 from the following link




Save both of these files to your desktop. NIS2011 can be activated with your current NIS activation key. After NIS is installed please run liveupdate repeatedly until you get a message that there are no more updates.



I've had a similar issue recently, and it was apparently caused by the Symantec server dropping the connection before the download was completed. The installer would look OK on the surface (icon, description) but obviously would not do the job.


So, to cut to the chase, be sure to check that the download is approx. 91 MB in size. Then it would be complete.

Thanks, mdturner. I downloaded both files onto my flash drive. I'll go through the process you outlined on my home PC tonight.

Thanks, TomiRed. I think that's what has been happening to me -- an icon appeared on my desktop so it certainly seemed that the download worked. The first time it was "complete" at 3MB and insallation failed, and then I downloaded again yesterday and I thought it was "complete" at 40 MB. But after I just dowloaded the NIS file that mdturner linked to, I realized that the file size did not match the files I downloaded at home. With dialup, I don't know if I would ever have succeeded at downloading the full 91MB file. Now that I have it on my flash drive, I hope it works tonight. Thanks again.

Hello lilsoren


Since you have dialup, you may be interested in setting NIS 2011 to get just the smart defintions instead of the core ones.  The smart definitions will contain the most important definitions and leave out the older ones which usually aren't needed. If an old definition becomes active again, it will be included then in the smart definitions. Having the smart definitions will keep the antivirus definitions smaller in size as far as download size goes.

I was able to reinstall NIS last night, using the removal tool/install links and instructions posted by mdturner. Thanks again to TomiRed for letting me know that I had been attempting to install with an incomplete file, which was probably part/all of the problem to begin with. Thanks also to floplot for the hint about dialup friendly NIS settings. Unfortunately, I got a product key activation error when I tried to activate the registration, but after searching on the forum, I realize that this will be easily solved through contacting Norton customer service, which I will do tonight. Thanks again!

Hello lilsoren


Thanks for giving us an update on your progress so far. Here is the link for customer support in case you don't have that. This is the free chat service. Sorry also that you are having such a hard time getting the program installed and activated.




This is the link for US/Can. If you need a different location, please consult your local Symantec site for the local free chat customer support link.