Help! am i Ratted?! There are two same processes running in my Windows 10!

Guys so I saw this youtuber named NateVang and I had been trusting him for months... he uploads roblox hacks almost everyday but then one day he uploaded this video named ROBLOX LOKI LEVEL7 HACK/EXPLOIT BEST!!! 

Link of the video:

www . youtube . com/watch?v=M05DUwnd67Y&t=1s

so I checked it out and downloaded the hack without hesitating... so when I did.. I figured that it was patched (not working anymore) so I reviewed the comments and others said it is a rat, others said it's a keylogger, others said its a virus, others said its all of them, others said its a false positive, and others said they're PC is fine.. so I quickly deleted the file and quitted hacking... now for the past few days nothing bad has happened to my PC... but this morning when I opened my PC it was laggy on startup! (my PC is Windows 10 btw) and my applications took a while to respond... so I quickly refreshed and refreshed and checked task manager.. and I saw 4 COM surrogates but after 1 second the three disappeared and only 1 was left so I closed task manager and opened task manager and again I saw 4 COM surrogates but after 1 second the three disappeared and only 1 was left so I check some more and I saw two google crash handlers but the other one has a (32-bit) in the end but i think that's normal so i check again and saw "Host Process for Setting Synchronization" and "Host Process for Windows Tasks" which i haven't seen before so i check again and saw three Microsoft Edge backround processes but i think those are just the tabs cause i have three tabs opened.... so i check again and saw two Norton Security (32-bit)s.. so i check again and saw three Nvidia Streamer Services... so i check again and saw Antimalware Service Executable which i haven't seen before.. so i check again and saw two client server runtime processes which is worrying cause only i am signed in and when i checked on the users tab only my profile was there so i clicked this arrow facing down thingy on the left of the name and saw the processes running in that profile and i saw only one client server runtime process so this is very worrying and i check again and saw two console windows hosts! so i again clicked this arrow facing down thingy on the left of the name and saw the processes running in that profile and i saw only one console windows host! i used windows defender, Malwarebytes, and Norton to scan but no malware was detected... is my PC ok?? is this a virus?? am i ratted?? am i keylogged?? is this normal?? i also saw that there are lots of  service hosts! please! i need an answer!