Help cloning hard disk to other computer with Ghost 15.

Hi,i would like some help,i would like to clone my hard disk drive (2 wd velociraptors 600gb each,in raid 1 mode) to my second computer,with Norton Ghost 15.The 2 computers are almost identical,their only difference is that the main computer that i want to clone to the second system,has 2 wd velociraptors (600gb each) in RAID 1 mode and the second computer (the "target" that i want the "source" disk to be cloned) has again 2 velociraptors (but the previous ones,with the 300gb capacity each) again in RAID 1 mode.The motherboard in both systems is the same,the Asus Rampage 3 extreme.

The other computer is basically the same,same motherboard,same memory,same windows version (Windows7 ultimate 64 bit)The only differences are: the main system has 3 nvidia gtx480  graphics cards in sli mode and the 2 (600gbx2) velociraptors while the second computer has 3 nvidia gtx580 graphics cards in sli mode and the 2 (300gbx2) velociraptors.Both are running Windows7 Ultimate 64bit and both also have the same amount and type of ddr3 memory,12gb in each system.

The main problem is,that the main system (the "source" that i want to clone to the other computer) is running also Linux (OpenSuse 12.1) and so,it is a dual-boot system.That means,it has the Linux bootlaoder -GRUB2- installed and i am afraid that the cloning proceedure will fail if i clone my C: drive contents to the second computer,because it will also copy the Linux bootloader there and the second system has only Windows7 and not Linux installed,therefore it won't boot.

I know the proceedure to uninstall Linux and rewrite the windows bootloader before i do the cloning,but is there any way to clone the main disk without messing with the Linux entries and the GRUB2 bootloader?

Or will i have to fully remove Linux first,before cloning?

This is troubling me a lot,because i want to copy the main disk to the second system,without messing at all with Linux entries and without having boot issues later,when i will restart the cloned second system.

I am afraid that,if i clone the main disk,without first fully removing Linux and rewriting the windows bootloader,i will have serious problems with the cloned drive,it will not boot,because it will search for the entries of grub bootloader.

Is there any way to do the cloning without removing Linux from the main computer or is there any solution to this problem?

I don't have any problem to remove Linux,i know how to do it,i just want to know if i can accomplish the cloning without removing it and to make sure that the cloned disk (in the second computer) will boot normally into Windows7 without any issues.

Please advise me if this is possible and the proceedure how to do it,as i haven't done disk cloning before (usually just taking backups with Norton Ghost)

Both computers have Ghost 15 installed and DVD writers (of course). 


Thank you very much for your time,

