Help - Download Insight Won't allow apps to run

Hello All,


I've a problem with my Norton Internet Security 2011's Download Insight Feature. When ever I download a file (e.g- Firefox 3.6) and try running it, Download insight Windows would pop up stating that the file is safe to install, but without giving me options to run the file or running it automatically. I tried searching the forun for simalr issue and see that there was this post but with out resolution, so posting my qustion here. ( )


Few "Insights" into my Download Insight problem :)

Downloads gets saved on Destop by default and has problem runnig from there. But If I were to move the file to a diff Drive (e.g- "E:\Storage Pit"), it runs from there "withour showing the Download Insight windows". Though am able to run the program in the above mentioned work-around, I would love to have this issue fixed.


OS - Win 7 32bit

Browser - Mozilla

Download Options - Firefox, Internet Download Manager

Download Apps - Trusted (e.g- Firefox)

Norton Product - NIS 2011

Updated - Daily, Running the latest ver.


Any help would be greately appreciated. Lemme know if u need further clarifications.




P.S - Attaching a SS for reference

Download Insight.jpg

Download Insight just checks the download for safety against user data among other things.  You may be having a problem with the Windows "block" on downloaded files.  When you download a file to the desktop, you may need to right click on the file, go to properties, and click on "unblock."  Once you unblock it, you can either double click on the file to begin the install or right click and "run as administrator."

Hi  delphinium,


Thank u for your response. But i don't think there is a "Block" issue going on here with me. I double checked the file by going into its properties and I did not see any "Block" option there. My problem is when I either double click it to run it or Run it as admin, it shows the same Download Insight windows "WITHOUT ANY OPTION OF EITHER RUNING OR BLOCKING IT". This can be clearly seen in the screen shot. Do we have a fix for this problem as I didn't see any resolution to other similar issues here.





Sorry to take so long to get back.  I had to download something to see if I could reproduce the issue.  Unfortunately I downloaded a piece of utter trash and had to get rid of it.


After the download of the installer, Norton Insight popped up at the bottom right corner to advise that the download was safe.  As expected. 


I clicked on more details and the full Insight screen popped up advising the age of the file, the number of users, and it's considered safety.  There were no options to run.  So far as I know, Norton does not take responsibility for running other software.  If there is a problem with it Insight deletes or quarantines the malicious files.  If there is no problem with the download, it is left up to you to decide what to do with it. 


You can't block the download because it is scanned as it is downloading.  Once you see the Insight screen, it is already on your machine.  If it is an unknown app, Insight pops up to tell you that but the decision of what to do with it is still up to you.


As far as I can tell on my machine, it is behaving properly, although some users have problems with it deleting the exe's from downloads as being falsely identified as malicious.

Hi sajdude,


What is the version number of NIS 2011 that you are using (Support > About).  This problem was resolved in the update, so you should not be seeing this if your product is current.

4. What are the changes in this release?


18.5 contains many changes and fixes from the previous version. Some of these changes include: 


- Fixed an issue where the option to "run" an executable was missing from a File Insight/Download Insight window. (Discussed Here)

delphinium, I don't think u understood my issue correctly. The program that I am trying to run is Firefox which is a trusted app. There is no problem with downloading it. Download is over and the file is on my desktop. I actually can't run downloaded apps (from the downloaded location which in my case is Desktop. if i move the app to a diff location, am able to run it. BTW I've tried Run As Admin, just in case if u were thinking. If I try executing it from the downloaded location (desktop), Download Insight window opens up and does't allow me to run it or give any sort of option to proceed further. That window can only be closed. My que is how do i get the downloaded apps to run / execute without moving it to a diff loc / drive. Remember am only trying to run trusted apps, and they are getting downloaded on my desktop. Hope this clarifies the doubts.

SendOfJive, Thank u for ur response. I checked my ver and it is indeed Please see the shreen shot. So that means even with the update, the issue presists on certain system. What do you think? How do I flag this to the NIS team so that they can fix it and help me get rid of the nag?





I do understand your issue.  What operating system are you running. You said that there was no "unblock" on the file.  I'm wondering if you are running XP and need to unblock the entire download rather than one file as in this thread.




I saw that as well.  Since the screen, where you could check a box that says "Always run apps as safe when the run button is clicked" or some such (I don't remember the exact wording), seems to have been removed, I'm not sure as to how the "fix" was applied.  Removing a screen that provided no options may be considered as much of a fix as actually making the popup functional.


I was unable to get Insight to do a secondary popup when double clicking the installer.



Thanks for ur reply, i do appreciate ur intend of helping me. As i have stated in my orininal post and as the screen shots of my desktop suggest, am not on Win Xp but Win7 32 bit. Also there seems to be a disconnect in understanding my issue. I went through ur post < > and found the isuse to be totally different than the one am facing. Lemme know if u have any questions for me....



So many views and still no replies / resolution. Could someone atleast tell me how do I highlight this problem to NIS team so that they can work on it and get me a fix. Please let me know the esclation channel here....


Thanks & Regards

Because nobody had a solution to this, I had to call the Norton Tech Support guys and get help.Well after 2 days of troubleshooting we were still at dead ends. Thats when I saw this option "Download Insight Full Report" under Download Intelligence in the Web Settings under Settings.

I observed that if I slide the Slider to the left to make it Never, the issue got resolved. This ways you still have the download protection but the nag windows of Download Insight doesn't trouble you anymore. Certaily a work around resolution to my issue but not a fix as the issue is with the Download Insight Report Window, which can only be fixed by the NIS Developement team. Hope they can fix is ASAP.


Following are the TS steps that we (Tech guy and me) did which DID NOT fix the issue

- Uninstall and reinstall of NIS 2011 and update

- Uninstall All the Download managers on my comp

- Disabled All Non-Microsoft servies and other startup Items


Ofcourse there were work arounds for my issue.

1. Copy the downloaded file to a diff location and running it from there

2. Disabling the Download Intelligence option but this would mean you don't have download protection anymore.


So my friends the only secure way to get rid of the problem is to turn the "Download Insight Full Report" under "Download Intelligence" in the "Web Settings" under "Settings" of NIS to NEVER.


So long....

Thank you thank you thank you! Great work around. I got so tired of tuning off Norton every time I wanted to install downloaded software.  It is unbelievable that they havent been able to fix this.





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