Help downloading AntiVirus 12 Mac / Save Online Order

I ordered the upgrade to AntiVirus 12, as I'm about to upgrade my Mac to 10.7, and I saw that it also comes with 11 for my current 10.6 system. As luck would have it (thanks Murphy...), something occurred during the transaction, and nothing downloaded.


When I now attempt to access my norton acct, i'm prompted (compelled?) to Save my Online Order, as my acct was not validated at the time of my order. I'm faced with the follwing conundrum: I can choose to recognize the order, and then must provide my AntiVirus 12 serial number to continue. Hmm, can't do that as the DL did not happen, and as I have not yet installed 10.7, I imagine it would not actually install yet.


Alternatively, I could answer that I do not recognize the order. That also poses its own set of issues which I'm reluctant to move towards. If I say I do not recognize the order, does it cancel it? I'm not really inclined to do that either. I want the extension of support for my 10.6 until I upgrade to Lion in likely a week or so.


Thanks for helping!