Help, I also cannot open NIS

I have Win 7 64 Bit Sp1 all updates are current and NIS

The problem is that I can not open NIS either when I click on the NIS Icon in the Task Bar or from the programs menu.

NIS  is loading when I start my system as the Icon with the green check appears in the tray, I have my identy safe and can log in to access my log ins, I can right click on the NIS icon in the tray and access those features, scan, update, history, but when I click to open NIS to get to settings I get the message that NIS has stopped working windows is closing the program.

I have followed all removal guide lines and reinstalled NIS twice with the same result.

I have 2 other computes, both win 7 64 bit sp1 and they also have the current version of NIS. I do not have any problems with them opening NIS.

I am to the point where I will try 2 things, restore my last back up of my C drive prior to this happening and or just reloading my os and programs and start from scratch..

Any advice/help would be appreciated.