Help me to correct or Help me to Uninstall Norton 360 2.0 with Big Red X mark?

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Donec ullamcorper nulla non metus auctor fringilla. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean eu leo quam. Pellentesque ornare sem lacinia quam venenatis vestibulum. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis.

I want to add here My Norton version is and initial Subscription length is 1098 days and protection updates are latest when check it on

Norton Main Windows, goto to Help & Support, goto About Norton 360,

I had installed Norton 2008 Internet security before it. I got norton 360 from upgrading from 2008 with 3 year license. But still norton 360 main window is showing

Norton 360 has detedted a corruption and is not operating properly. Please contact Symantec Support, which on clicking is taking ages and ages at after 10-15 attempts showed some tips to change my date settings and also told to download SymRxTx.exe & buDump.exe files with links which I got from some other PC as my conn. at home is too too slow Dialup wireline…


But to utter frustation my Norton 360 in My Account tab is showing in Subscription status  Your trailperiod for Norton 360 has 0 days remaining.


Please help…???

I tried to reinstall the appilication after uninstalling from Add/Remove programs but No product key option appears and same problem appears.

So I try rebooting again, but many of my usual programs in system tray didnt loaded. i rebooted again as my PC was sort of Hanging but it wont shut down for a long time and had to Hard reseted…



Hi Eric


Disappointed to hear you are having these problems, but we should be able to work it out. First, do you have the product key for PcAnywhere? I don't see the problem in running the Norton Removal Tool, then reinstalling both PcAnywhere and N360? If you don't have the product key for pcAnywhere, you may want to consider LogMeIn, which is the same as Symantec Support uses to access PC's by remote control. Let us know.



Message Edited by johna on 08-21-2008 01:09 PM

I need PcAnywhere appilication every time of day still considering to uninstalll I have to consult the IT dept of my company, but I want to bypass them anyway as they are of no help, I dont have the setup for PcAnywhere and how to check PcAnywhere product key is it on About PcAnywhere, Serial # one. I am using PcAnywhere ver 9.2.0. Also waht about when I try to reinstall why does it not ask for product key...... I am having no anti virus no firewall (Only windows which I dont consider as a valid firewall), no protection. Is there any other way to completely uninstall individual products......



I would suggest you contact online support to get them to try and help you out with the complete uninstall.

The online phone facility is not supported by my operator which I know coz I work for them. The online chat wont load as I am using a proxy server from office which does not allow any chat to load up. Leave PcAnywhere alone what can I do to correct my Norton 360, I have tried to uninstall. But can I run SymKBFix.exe or SymLMTS.exe to correct the issue as you can check in my previous post it is the problem with Norton account (Which I am not able to access). As I am in office now and my PC is at Home...... And how can I correct the issue when I reinstall the product it does not ask for Product Key. When I ran SymRxTx.exe it showed some services are restored but not all of them. the ones which were not started were Firewall Status: problem detected, not fixed, Last live update session was 7 Days ago, which I did last night, Last system scan was 7 days ago, which I never did as the product never worked, Computer backup status: problem detected: I didn't took any backup. But it has nothing to say about the main Antivirus program.....

When I click on Support a window appears which tells me to adjust Internet Explorer to use automatic dialup but I use a LAN connected through a switch/ADSL Modem. Still after some clicks here and there I say I am connected through my LAN, it tells me Norton 360 has detected problem with your network connection. but I am already on the internet. It is still saying connection problem and gives me numbers for various countries to contact (Which I am not able to) .


Still thanks for your responses johna as I thought no one is listening. Still waiting for your response.....




Hi Eric


It's too bad you haven't got your Product Key for  pcAnywhere, as we could just run the removal tool and you could reinstall it as well as N360 from the download off the Symantec website. Did you look in 'My Documents' in the 'Symantec' folder, it may be in there.


Anyway, if you find it, let me know. In the meantime, you may try contacting support through this link.




Edit: There is another way to retrieve the product key, but see how you get on with support first.

Message Edited by johna on 08-21-2008 08:49 PM

I told you in my previous scrap Help option, About PcAnywhere it gives me a Serial #, is it the same one then I can use then I can go ahead with uninstalling and using Norton_Removal_Tool. I want to remove the Big RED X mark on my 360.


 I also have a screenshot of the error how can I upload the link.




Hi Eric


If you are sure the serial number you refer to is the Product Key, it should be OK, but you need to make sure first, I am not familiar with pcAnywhere product so can't be of much more help there.


To upload the link of the screenshot, go here, then either paste the link or click on the icon with the picture of the tree in the menu bar above where you type your message here.


It seems like the only obstacle now is the Product Key for your pcAnywhere product, maybe someone who is familiar with that product can help out.




Edit: Do you have a Norton Account, your Product Key may be there?

Message Edited by johna on 08-21-2008 11:17 PM

Photobucket is blocked by my office intranet (Websense) for PcAnywhere I dont have a account as it was installed by someone else and probably didnt created a Norton Account about the Norton 360 I have the Product key in My Documents , Symantec folder but that was created only after installing Norton 360, but there was not any folder for PcAnywhere I suppose I can get setup and product key for PcAnywhere from my office.

Isn't there any other way than uninstalling PcAnywhere. and correcting the problem.......




It's a bit of a task to uninstall N360 manually by instructions here (as you are unable to connect with support), and leave pcAnywhere installed, without running the Norton Removal Tool. Even after uninstalling N360 manually, there may be things left over which only the tool can pickup and delete., so if you can get the Product Key for pcAnywhere, we can go ahead and run the Removal Tool, and get rid of any remaining folders and registry entries etc without having to worry about your pcAnywhere installation.


Let us know.

1 Like

Hi I got in touch with one of my colluges, and he told me I can get PcAnywhere and a new license from office. Also Norton Error

is the link for error. Can you tell me the procedure which I need to follow in order to Install the the Norton 360 again. For your info at present I have Norton 360 Ver 2.0 , PcAnywhere Ver 9.2.0 installed on my PC. Please tell me step by step procedure which I need to follow before using Norton_Removal_Tool and how and in what order to install the appilications.......






[edit: reduced image size for thread formating... to view full size original, click the image.]

Message Edited by Allen_K on 08-22-2008 10:50 AM

There is also ccSvcHst error on every shutdown & restart. Also there are two instances of ccSvcHst.exe running at the same time when checked on Task Manager one is from System and another one fron User logged in (As I have only One User).




Hi Eric


Here are the steps to reinstall N360. You should copy these instructions and print them out before proceeding, be sure to copy the links as well.


1. Download the latest version of N360 here.


2. Download and run the Norton Removal Tool.


NOTE: Before proceeding to step 3 it is wise to backup your registry either manually, or by running System Restore and creating a restore point.


3. Go to start>run>type regedit>highlight 'my computer'>edit>find>type symantec>tick all boxes, including 'match whole string only'>find next. When you see the value 'symantec' come up in left pane, right click and delete it. Next, press F3 and repeat the procedure. Keep pressing F3 until the search is finished.


4. Do exactly as in 3 above, but type norton in the search field instead of symantec. When done, close the registry editor.


5. Go to start>search>type symantec in the search field>advanced search>tick all boxes except 'case sensitive'>search. Delete any folders that come up except the Symantec folder in My Documents. If any wont delete drag them over onto your desktop and delete from there.


6. Do exactly as in 5 above, but type norton in the search field instead of symantec.


7. Go to start>run>type temp>edit>select all>press Delete.


8. Go to start>run>type %temp%>edit>select all>press Delete.


9. Go to start>run>type prefetch>edit>select all>press Delete. When done, restart your PC.


10. Install N360 from the download (1. above)


11. When the installation is complete, run Live Update SEVERAL TIMES until no more updates are available. Restart your PC when prompted, and run Live Update again as described above.


You should now have the latest version of N360 with all the updates applied. Check your version number by clicking Help and Support>About. Please advise the version number showing.


Eric this will hopefully fix your issue, please follow these steps and report back with the result. Good luck!




Message Edited by johna on 08-22-2008 02:09 PM

There should be two instances. Suggest you reinstall Norton 360 to resolve your other issues, and then post more details about any closure issues. There are a number of workarounds available.  Follow this link for uninstall details. Please note, that if you proceed to edit registry etc as suggested by another contributor this may well affect your other Norton apps. Generally running NRT is all you need to do.

I hear what you say and took that into consideration, the only thing is he had a previous version of NIS08 installed, as well N360 after and also pcAnywhere. I thought it was best to clear the whole thing out to save any further conflicts complicating the matter, he has the other Norton program (pcAnywhere) license available to reinstall as well, so we can now start from a clean base and get rid of any older possible conflicts/corruptions. In any case, running the removal tool will normally delete the other programs anyway. :smileyhappy:

Message Edited by johna on 08-22-2008 07:17 PM

I just want our contributor to appreciate that the steps are not exclusively for reinstalling Norton 360 as ur prior message indicated.

"Here are the steps to reinstall N360."


Equally another person reading the thread might take them as the sole instructions for reinstalling Norton 360.


In any event I am not sure just dealing with Norton 360 is what our contributor only wishes to achieve.

No, I’m glad for your input, I should have worded it “here are the steps to reinstall your 360”. In any event, read over the thread, he is dealing with 360 and the red x he is seeing etc. If he has issues with any other Norton programs we can address them, but I can’t see this from what he has described.

Thanks John & cgoldman, I found the uninstall link but cant see the Installation link highlighted. Still I will follow the pattern as you advised and see can say hope I solve the problem......




               Hello, John I followed the procedure you told me to do so, Unistalled the Norton 360 2.0 and then deleted each and every registry with the keyword Norton or Symantec, after then I deleted every folder with keyword Norton or Symantec. I then tried to use NRT but it was giving me a message The version of the software you are using is expired and wont run, I tried to follow the link it gave me but of no avail, It told me to delete all the temporary files and windows temp files, and also gave a link to the tool, I followed the tool, which kept on saying "Please Wait " for ages so I did it manually. After that I downloaded anew copy of NRT but still it gave me same error, I repeated the same after restart, same error again poped up. I suppose I did all that need to be done for complete renewal. Then gave a shot at reinstalling the Norton 360 2.0. This time it did asked me for the product key and installed properly, but at the end didn't went to online activation but told me I had x amount of days left for my subscription (x = some number which i dont remember may be 1021 days it was) I thought it might have fixed itself. But again the Big Red X mark was there.

              I uninstalled the appilication, and am using AVG Free version, which I suppose is beeter than Norton 360. as it didint gave me any problem and is free of cost.......


