Help! Paying subscription problem

Please help!

Here's the story.......


Purchased Norton Internet Security Pack in 2006/7 (inc. Ghost), downloaded etc, great!


Following year made auto renewal through bank, no problem


following year, PC gets damaged beyond repair. Oh dear! Can't afford to buy new, so use Laptop for the forseeable future!


Few years down the line, get a new PC and off we go again! Hooray!


Last week my wife informs me that we have been paying annual subsciption (last 5 years) to Norton. EEK! OOPS etc...


Yes, I know it's our fault for being so loose and not cancelling it .....


Here's where I'm up to at the mo... Tried to download the original disc on to my current PC (with original product key) and it's updated to a newer version and asking me for a new subscription! (15 day trial)


I can't log in to my old account to change any details because my old ( email doesn't exist anymore!


Should I just cancel the annual subscription with the bank or is there another way to solve this 


Thanks in advance