
I live in South Africa and will NOT telephone the American helplines because of the exorbitant cost. Three weeks ago I purchased Norton WiFi VPN for my Samsung Galaxy Tab S with Android 5.0.2 but cannot download it onto my tablet. Messages received are "This app is incompatible with all of your devices" and "This item cannot be installed in your device's country." I sought help from Norton, and two separate Norton consultants have attempted, through accessing my tablet by proxy, to solve the problem, and failed. That was a week ago.They have not told me what to do next. Where do I go from here?  

Hi lucyalexandra,


Welcome to the community!


Can you please contact our customer support for further assistance on this?You can contact our customer support over an interactive chat support session.


Please follow the link below.


Let us know how you get on.






Venkat Jammalamadugu
Norton Forums Administrator
Consumer Products and Solutions
Symantec Corporation

oooo wrote:

I got a reply in my in box but it was blank! I don't know enough about my laptop to get this message. Can someone help, please?  


I'm not sure I understand the request. A reply from what/who and it is blank. Was it a notice that you received a private message? If so then the little envlope in the upper right corner of your screen here should have a gold envlope and a number indicating how many messages are waiting. Clicking on the envlope will take you to the private message feature so you can read and respond.

If this isn't the situation, please provide more details and I'll try again :smileywink:

<<  There was a message that I needed to run a ckdsk due to issues with NTFS continuity. That didn't seem quite normal to me  >>


It is not normal ... that's why you got the message. It means that there's a fault of some kind in the file structure on your hard drive so you really need to do what the message said and run CHKDSK.


You can do it yourself by opening My Computer if you have an icon for it on your desktop or (WINKEY + E) and right mouse clicking on the hard drive. If you have more than one you can do each in turn.


So Right mouse click on the hard drive icon for drive C: / select Properties in the list and then select the Tools Tab.


On the Tools Tab select Error Checking > [Check now]


Leave just the Automatically fix box checked and don't check the other one then clikc on Start.


Because this is the drive that has your Windows operating system on it it will tell you it will have to delay until you restart your computer so rerstart your computer and let it run.


It should not take too long and should see on screen what it is doing and when it finds errors to fix. And when it finishes it will restart your computer -- it doesn't leave you much time to absorb what it did but you can find more in Event Viewer if you want to.


The box you left unchecked will try to fix another kind of error to do with bad spots on the hard drive and is rarely necessary with modern drives since they are set up to do this themselves and this kind of repair can take many many hours, depending on the size of your drive!


Hope that helps. Let us know how you get on.