I'm setting up a network containing a Windows XP PC and a Vista Home Premium laptop. I can connect to the Vista laptop from my PC but not from the laptop to the pc. I get an error when I click on the PC icon on the laptop.
I needed to know how to open ports in Norton 360 (udp,tcp) and on which computer I have to do this on?
Most likely, this is not an issue requiring opening a hole in your firewall--something you want to avoid whenever possible! I am assuming from your description that you have Norton 360 installed on each machine. If so, pull up your main Norton screen and select Settings from the menu at top. Next, select "My Network" from the left-hand column, and then click "Configure" at the right of the line for "Trust Control." Locate your other computer on the screen this brings up, and make sure it is set for "Full Trust." Save these changes, and back out to your Desktop.
Repeat this process on your second machine, and you should be all set. Let us know how it goes!
Many thanks for the reply! Yes both machines are using Norton 360. I followed the steps and now I can access the laptop from the pc. But can't access the pc from the laptop.I'm logging on to both machines using the same password ( tried without passwords ). The "connect to mypc" dialog box appears , I enter the password and logon to the pc fails.
Just to clarify on the laptop , "Network Security Map" page , under "Network Details" on the left of page.- should it read "trust control" as an option and not the "network name"?
And on the PC under the same network map , on the left hand side under "Network Details" should it read "trust control" or the other option "Local area connection". Sorry if this is a bit confusing?
Not sure that its relevant but I thought I'd give all the details.
It would be great to get some further suggestions.
Yeahh--unfortunately, I don't understand what you're asking...but I don't have access to a machine running 360 during the day (am responding from a mobile device) so I can't go to the screens you're referencing and see what is there. It may be clearer tonight when I can.
Have you rebooted both machines after changing/checking the trust levels? Did you in fact perform the steps I provided on both machines, or just one one? What software are you using to try to connect/login to the remote PC? What version of Norton 360 are you using? Any other details you can provide that might help us see what's differen about your setup?
Another way to open up communication between 2 computers is open up N360, select Manage Firewall (under PC Security) and select the Traffic Rules tab. You can then add a rule allowing connections both to and from computers in your network by selecting Add at the bottom, then Allow or Monitor and then selecting Connections to and From other computers and follow the on-screen prompts
As I don't need to do this at this time (and have never done it before), I'm unsure if it will help you. Just giving you another way to go about it
OK, thanks. That's clearer. I don't think any wording discrepancies like that matter, as long as you were able to see each machine in the other's network security map and make sure the Trust Levels were set to Full Trust on each.
I'm remembering something from an earlier thread that you might be able to do to get around this, which I want to check out. But I'm thinking this may not be a Norton issue. What service pack are you up to on each version of Windows?
@dazza-n360 --thanks; this is what the OP was asking to begin with, but we're trying to avoid that since technically it opens a hole in the firewall that weakens its protection. But unless the idea I'm trying to run down works, or somebody else can come up with something else, we may be back to that in which case it will be good to have your post here already!
Selected Traffic Rule --->"add rule --> "allow"-->"select connections to and from other computers"---->"What computers or sites do you want to allow access to?"
OK, finally tracked down the similar thread I was mentioning. OP also had difficulty getting one of his machines to see the other, which was not resolved by resetting Trust Control. One of our senior Gurus, dbrisendine, suggested turning off the setting to "Strealth Blocked Ports" on each machine, and this resolved the problem.
Give that a try, and let us know whether that works for you also.
Many thanks for the reply and thanks to dbrisendine. I changed the setting. Again I get a "Connect to PC" dialog box from the laptop, entered password and username and receive logon failed. However, can log in to laptop using the same windows dialog from the the pc.
Thanks for getting back to me over this christmas season!